vineri, 26 iunie 2009

heal the world

Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better world for our children and our children's children. So that they know it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better place.

There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love

And this place could be much

Brighter than tomorrow.

And if you really try

You'll find there's no need to cry

In this place you'll feel

There's no hurt or sorrow.

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living

Make a little space, make a better place.

Chorus: Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for

You and for me.

If you want to know why

There's a love that cannot lie

Love is strong

It only cares for joyful giving.

If we try we shall see

In this bliss we cannot feel

Fear or dread

We stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always

Love's enough for us growing

Make a better world, make a better world.

Chorus: Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race.

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for

You and for me.

Bridge: And the dream we would conceived in

Will reveal a joyful face

And the world we once believed in

Will shine again in grace

Then why do we keep strangling life

Wound this earth, crucify it's soul

Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly

Be God's glow.

We could fly so high

Let our spirits never die

In my heart I feel

You are all my brothers

Create a world with no fear

Together we'll cry happy tears

See the nations turn

Their swords into plowshares

We could really get there

If you cared enough for the living

Make a little space to make a better place.

Chorus: Heal the world .....

There are people dying if you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me.

There are people dying if you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me.

You and for me / Make a better place

You and for me / Make a better place

You and for me / Make a better place

You and for me / Heal the world we live in

You and for me / Save it for our children

You and for me / Heal the world we live in

You and for me / Save it for our children

You and for me / Heal the world we live in

You and for me / Save it for our children

You and for me / Heal the world we live in

You and for me / Save it for our children

joi, 25 iunie 2009

Tirgul anual de ceramica traditionala „Cucuteni 5000“

Mare event mare la Iasi, in acest weekend!

Peste o sută de meşteri olari din întreaga ţară îşi vor expune produsele, timp de trei zile, in Copou, cu ocazia celei de-a XXVII-a ediţie a ţârgului naţional de ceramică "Cucuteni 5000", eveniment ce debutează maine. In paralel cu evenimentul „Cucuteni 5000“ se va desfasura si „Tirgul Mestesugarilor“.

Mai multe detalii despre aceasta cultura, se pot afla accesand site.ul

Sor'mea, nu uita sa imi cumperi si mie ceva dragutz!


miercuri, 24 iunie 2009


Daca ai un computer sau o componenta pe care nu o mai folosesti si VREI SA O DONEZI intra pe site.ul si completeaza un simplu formular.

Aparent nefolositoare tie, aceste calculatore/componente vor ajunge la copii din familii nevoiase din Bacau, Buhusi, Bucuresti!

p.s. thanks Cristina for the tip!

vineri, 12 iunie 2009

noaptea galeriilor

un obicei frumos, de curand adaptat din strainatate, noaptea galeriilor, noaptea muzeelor, ziua portilor deschise a deschis apetitul romanilor pentru tot ce este frumos si educativ.

un bun prilej de a vedea romanii stand la coada de intrare din fata galeriilor si a muzeelor (nu doar in fata agentiilor loto...)

puteti alege galeriile pe care sa le vizitati accesand site-ul organizatorilor

va pup si inspiratie placuta!

p.s. eu plec mai intai spre The Ark
RE: poze

luni, 1 iunie 2009

La multi ani, copii!

la multi ani celor care sunt sau se simt copii!

dragostea mea se indreapta catre cei mai frumosi copii si mai talentati copii din lume: Stef, Ana, Maria & Matei!